Heizen mit der Wärme der Natur

Heating Heating with the warmth of nature

If you heat with wood, you are doing something for climate protection. At least if the wood was also sustainably harvested. This means that it was only felled in the amount that will grow again. Preferably from regional forests - this avoids transport routes and thus additional energy consumption.

While wood chips are primarily used in wood-fired power stations or industrial plants to generate energy, private households burn logs and pellets. Modern stoves have a very good flue gas cleaning system for this and burn the material with maximum efficiency. And especially with pellets, it is important to pay attention to their origin, as they can now be transported many kilometres.

The production of spruce pellets at best wood SCHNEIDER is exemplary here and certainly unique in the region in this form: Their production does not pollute the environment - but quite the opposite: it makes the raw material cycle complete. It completes the raw material cycle, because it uses wood shavings that are a by-product of the production process. This puts them miles ahead of fossil fuels in terms of their eco-balance. Since the energy required for production can be covered by the biomass power station, resource conservation is also possible here at the highest level.

Good for nature, good for everybody. Tested, certified.

PEFC is a transparent and independent system for ensuring sustainable forest management and thus a global "forest MOT". Forest certification according to PEFC standards is based on very strict guidelines for the sustainable management of forests. This management is controlled by competent and independent organisations.


ENplus-certified pellets are produced according to strictly defined properties that exceed the applicable standard. ENplus monitors the entire supply chain from production to trade to delivery to the customer in order to ensure high fuel quality all the way to the storage room.


best wood PELLETS

Heat naturally

High-quality pellets 100% from our own production and renewable raw material - and therefore produced regionally and energy-neutral. Good for you and good for the environment.

best wood PELLETS - Logo

We are happy to be there for you! Do you have questions about orders, current prices or our wood pellets? (Germany-located)

Visit us on our website or contact our team! (only German)

How to reach our pellet team:
(only Germany)

DE: 07355 9320 2000 | CH: 0719187-988
